How Important Is A Responsive Web Design?

There’s a couple of questions that you’ll need to ask yourself when it comes to your website. In this article, we’re going to go over some of the reasons why it’s important to have yourself a responsive website.

So first off, responsive design is basically Google’s recommended design pattern. The responsiveness of a website is an important factor in improving your client’s experience, and avoiding SEO issues that a lot of people fall into starting out. Now, having a responsive website design isn’t a confirmed ranking factor when it comes to Google, but they have implied it’s important on many occasions. So, let’s get into what responsive web design is and why it’s important.

What is a responsive web design?

Responsive web design is when you created landing pages that will render well across many different devices and screen sizes. Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile. This way, developers can create a web experience that seamlessly work on almost every device that users use to access and interact with websites.

There’s a saying when it comes to website development and that is “mobile first.” Mainly the fact that mobile traffic accounts for almost half of all global web traffic. It’s essential that website owners have a website that is perfect for every bit of traffic that comes their way.

So, now that we have the answer to what is a responsive web design, now why do you need a responsive website?

Why do you need a responsive website?

There are many reasons why you need a responsive website. You will need to understand the main reason first and that’s that Google prioritises mobile first.

Google & Mobile First.

This means that Google will show websites that are mobile friendly first. With more and more users using mobile devices to search for what they are looking for, Google has put mobile first as the main priority. Google only aims to provide valuable and accessible content to its users.

Whether you like Google’s algorithm or not, you have to follow its rules if you want to be seen. Their algorithm will always rank a site by being responsive and if the website is user-friendly.

This moves us to our next reason why responsive web design is important, and that is a better customer experience.

Customer Experience.

When it comes to Google, its primarily concerned with keeping its users happy by showing them the content that is most interesting to them. Creating a user-focused and user-friendly experience and Google will likely reward you with a higher ranking in the search results.

Having happier users will lead to higher subscribers, leads, and more. A responsive web design is essential in creating a positive experience that will lead to happier customers in the future.

This means faster load speed, accessibly, and easy navigation of your customers.

Usability & Load Speed.

It’s all well and good to have a beautiful looking website with lots of stunning images, fonts and more, but if your site is impossible to navigate or the loading speed it terrible, your possible customers are just going to leave and simply go somewhere else. Making sure that you have these issues sorted then will lead to time spent on the page.

Time on Page can be an important indication of whether your content matches what the user is looking for. Responsive web design makes websites faster, more accessible, and easier to navigate. All this makes it easier for users to find the information they are looking for and encourage them to stay and have a look around your awesome website.

Having them stay on your website longer will hopefully lead to paying customers of whatever you’re trying to sell or have them subscribe to your newsletters and more.

So finally, make sure that you offer your users a fast and mobile-friendly experience. A mobile-friendly website is the base of a website design and will set you up for happier users. So a responsive web design puts your users first and makes it easier for them to navigate, engage and help push your ranking on Google. Make sure you have everything planned before you start designing your website, and always start with mobile first. This will make sure you have a solid framework from the beginning and help set your website up for SEO success.

If you’re looking for a modern responsive website to go with your current brand or if you’re in need of branding and a fully responsive website, get in touch and we can see what we can do!

responsive web design
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